Get Over it, You’re Just Another Artist
Just Another ARTIST???!!! What kind of a statement is that?
Didn’t you “used to think” you were amazing amazing artist?
Remember back when you were in junior high and you started making really bad copies of spider man or (insert cool character or album cover here) and because it sort of resembled what you were going for you thought you were an amazing artist? Your friends who had quit trying to draw were now propping you up – “awww WICKED”…”dude that is totally bad”. Fast forward to high school and you were determined to draw in art class amongst the stoners. It didn’t take long for you to get their attention: “Dude that’s bad ass…. (I guess you’re allowed to say ass in high school) draw Eddie from Iron Maiden on my Jacket.”
Your head was completely filled with hot gasses and arrogance as you headed off to college. Even though your teachers bathed you in beautiful images from working professionals you weren’t that impressed. Caught up in the grandeur of your graduating portfolio you excitedly started marketing your work. When assignments didn’t actually flood in you got the first twinge of insecurity but you shrugged it off. After a few years of struggling to keep freelancing you gained a partial attitude overhaul. Humility was still in short supply but you started giving a few nods to other artists. Five years in and you put yourself near the top shelf of illustration talent. Seven years and you still grossly overestimated your skills. Ten years – the internet was bringing more and more amazing artists to your attention. Fifteen years you realized you’re just another set of hands. Eighteen years you start to feel lucky to be an illustrator. Twenty years and you know you’re lucky! Being able to do what you do while there are so many artists much more talented and capable than you roaming this little rock. Fear sets in when you realize…you might not be keeping up. Embarrassing, but this was me.
Become a “WHOLE” artist:
Work hard
Have heroes
Open mind
Status Update on Monster app
Monster App still on schedule (there’s no schedule so I’m right on time) Tee hee.
WHOLE Artist. Good one.