Monday, November 8, 2010
Want to do this assignment?

This is an illustration from Hansel and Gretel by scott gustafson. (Scott I hope you don’t mind that I used your image.) We are going to be illustrating one scene from this story next week in my picturebook class at UVU. My students will begin this assignment on November 16 and their due date is Dec 8th. I’ve always wanted to try this so here goes:
I’m planning to post my students work right here on my blog and I’d like to post work from anyone out there who would like to participate along with us. The goal is to motivate my students as well as anyone who wants to roll up their sleeves and get busy with us. I’ll also give a short critique on these pieces and any of you can weigh in with your opinions as well. I think this will be a blast!
So here are the rules:
Original work only of course
size is 8.5″ x 11″ wide or horizontal (work larger if you like)
color or black and white
any medium
email me a jpeg of your finished piece – I’ll only post jpegs
You may choose any scene from the story. It can be dark and scary if you want – the original Brothers Grimm tale is quite ominous. You may also choose to lighten it up – fracture it if you want – this is your chance to do something really fun! The only content rule is that it must contain at least one character from the story. I often advise my students to pick a scene that is easily identifiable (as a Hansel and Gretel image) so they can get an editor or art director emotionally involved with their work.
So that’s it – you have an extra week to get going on it!