Some illustration is ART…some is NOT ART, Even if you frame it.
Our artwork is like our babies, Priceless?
Remember when you drew something back in Jr. High maybe, and it looked great, at the time? Or when you painted your first painting in High School. Perhaps you copied, (plagiarized) the cover of you favorite album, like Boston’s Don’t Look Back? (Yes, I’m that old) If you were like me, you planned on keeping it forever. Or if it was in the High School art show, the price tag was for about $1000.00 or “NOT FOR SALE!”
Hopefully you can look back at those pics, if you still have ’em and see that you weren’t that good. Not that you weren’t that good, but that you have improved… A LOT!
Keep Sketching… And Drawing… And Painting.
I Guess what I’m trying to say is this. If you keep at it you will improve. You will find and hone in on your style, you will get better and better. So keep up the good work.
The first things you illustrate may feel like artwork too. I was in love with my first illustrations. I was a professional artist. How cool is that? My work was published, I was published. My friends and relatives would say “You’re going to be famous, like that one guy, what’s his name? He did all those paintings?”
I finally reached a point where I have no room for my early editorial and advertising NON-ART illustrations…so “BuBYE!!!”
PS. The garbage truck already came so you can’t rummage through my trash, past the old pizza boxes and dig out a bunch of my “Non Art” and sell it on E-Bay for more than it is worth. But I think a slice of pizza is still stuck in there that you can have. Just joking, my FolioAcademy biz partner Wayne already dug that out and ate it.