This is the Real Deal, A Total Eclipse of the Sun! IT WILL GET DARK and YOU CAN SEE the stars STARS!
Camp almost directly under dead center Path of Totality
Get you Solar Eclipse Tickets HERE
OK, this is a shameless ad, BUT, Will and I have been planning on seeing this eclipse now for two years, and Hey, we have found the perfect spot and we want to offer the same deal to our friends and fans. My aunt Lillian is renting up to 200 spaces out for people to camp with their tents, RVs, in their car or on the ground. I have asked her about a FRIENDS and Family rate and she is letting me and my direct family camp for free and is renting the other spots for as high as $160. But my friends, that’s you, can camp for $50 per night.
Solar Eclipse camp as low s $50 per night.

This could be you
In a nutshell you can camp for just $50 per night as our guest. These spots are going for $150. So if you can get to Rexburg Idaho, and you know you can if you put your mind to it, then you should come out and see the Great American Eclipse in the second best place to view it.
Where? 5803 S 3100 W Thornton Idaho. just south of Rexburg, easy to get to and closer to the center of the path of totality.
When? The Partial eclipse will start happening August 21, 2017 at 10:15:42 AM, the Total Eclipse begins at 11:34:24 and goes til 11:34:25, (2 min 18 seconds) and the rest of the partial eclipse ends at 12:58:22 PM. Here is a cool site to look at.
TOTAL Solar Eclipse has been on my bucket list for 48 years.
When I was a boy about 7 years old a leaned about the Total Solar Eclipse from a cartoon and it has been on my bucket list ever since. About five years ago there was an Annular Eclipse in southern Utan, so I packed up my wife and kids and a bunch of neighbor kids and drove a few hundred miles south to see it. It was cool but not cool enough. The moon was too far from the earth so the sun shone around it just a little and it ruined the effect. It was not completely dark, this time it will be. And you should beable to see stars.
Meet Will and Wayne
Yes we will be there but we’ll be with our families etc. so Will and Wayne will try to be at the concession stand on Sunday evening from 6 PM. (Will doesn’t know about this yet, but I will try to get him there on time) So if you want, bring a Will Terry book or print and a pen, he can sign something for you
Solar Eclipse Camping Available up to four nights.
Camping available up to four nights, Friday until Tuesday The eclipse will be Monday morning but here will be a LOT of traffic and I recamend you come at least one day early and go the day after, don’t want to fight that kind of traffic coming or going home.
Best spot ever to view The Great American Eclipse.
You can look at it with the naked eye, but bring special glasses for viewing pre and post totality.
Partial phase start: 10:15:42AM (MDT) you need the glasses for that.
Totality (COMPLETELY DARK) Start: 11:33:14AM (MDT) and lasts 2 min 18 seconds. You don’t need your glasses for that.
You Don’t want to miss this once in a lifetime event.
Put Total Eclipse on your bucket list and then check it off this Aug. 21. Get the kids out of school, and be their unless you are dead, or in jail, and if you’re in jail, break out.
Here we will see 2 minutes 18 seconds of totality SOLAR ECLIPSE.
Plenty of space to observe it right from your campsite. Come for the whole weekend and enjoy. Campfires welcome. Bring your own toilet if possible, we’ll have a few full size portable out houses.
Leashed Pets Allowed $25
The Price is per Carload of peeps, up to 6 per site. Bring your camper, RV, tent, sleep in your car or on the ground under the stars. Bring your own food and water, and your own eclipse glasses.
Pets allowed for $25 per night, per pet. Just brint cash and pay for pets when you get here.
Get your Solar Eclipse Tickets HERE!
Clear skies to you and have a blessed summer,
Your Best Friend, Wayne and your second best friend, Will. you can tell Wayne wrote this blog post.
See video below as it is way informative. “How to view the Eclipse”
Fequently asked questions about our solar eclipse camp at Rexburg
Where do I get tickets? Go here and click on the green button that says Tickets
What is the address again? 5803 S. 3100 W. Thornton Idaho
How hot and cold does it get there in August? from 50-83 degrees. The 50 is a night time low and the 83 is a daytime high. So it shouldn’t be too hot for you.
Do we need to bring our own toilet? I hope most of you do, but we will have several portable outhouses. And most of you will be in RVs with bathrooms so we will be fine. You can bring a jar too if you want, dump your wiz on the ground.
Will there be fresh water? Bring your own water. If you cannot, or don’t bring enough, We have water at the house and you are welcome to use it if you really need to.
Will there be concessions? My Nephew says he will be selling cold bottled water, soda and maybe some other things. Like a little store, but come prepared.
Can we bring Pets? Yes, $25 per night per animal, but, be responsible for your pet. And bring a leash and or rope or chain. If your animal is well mannered and STAYS in your camp sipte, you may not need a leash, I am an animal lover. But for the record, all pets must be leashed.
How do we pay that $ for our pet? Just bring cash and pay us there.
Can we have a fire? Yes but be responsible. Small is better, don’t go putting rocks in a circle as we plow and plant here.
Are there assigned spots? Yes we will assign you a spot when you get here. RVs will be grouped so that tent and under the stars campers, can be away from the generators. You will get to choose from available spots.
Can we get a spot right next to our friends? Yes, be sure to let me know and we will get you next to your friends.
Will it rain? In the whole month of August we only get about 0.71 inches of rain in the Rexburg area. So. I hope not! Part of the reason Rexburg area is ranked 2nd best place in the country to view the great American eclipse.
Can we take pictures? Yes, and I would like you to send your best pictures to me.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event? Yes
Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable? Yes, have them bring your/their ticket
Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn’t match the person who attends? Yes
IS it ok to smoke or drink on the property? Yes, If you smoke and or drink, smoke and or drink responsibly.
What if we want to spend another night once we get there & didn’t book for Monday night? Just pay us for another night while you are there.
Is this an established campsite with all sorts of amenities? No, This is not a normal campsite, pack it in pack it out. You will want to bring your own food water and shelter.
This is a very informative video on How to View the Eclipse, check it out.
10:15:42 | 38 | 11:33:15 | 11:34:24 | 49 | 11:35:32 | 12:58:22 |